Saturday 6 November 2021

Another Long Absence

I was rightly chastised recently that I had not posted anything on this blog for far too long so time to catch up. The primary reason for the absence has been that I decided I wasn't busy enough and needed a fresh challenge so I have taken on being editor of 009 News, the magazine of the 009 Society.

Chris Ford had done a great job and done it for over 4 years which is a marathon stint. The one thing you realise about the role is that it is relentless. The magazine has to go out every month so as soon as you've finished one, it's time to start the next, so all credit to Chris for the 50+ issues that he produced. 

Being edtor has eaten into my modelling time. It took a few issues to master the desk top publishing program and to develop a process for the articles but now it is reasonably organised and I don't have to take so long each month.

Here's the covers from the 7 issues I have done so far. If anything takes your fancy to read then the 009 Society has all the back issues available on the website so join the Society and read as much as you want about narrow gauge modelling.

1 comment:

  1. Really good magazine, much appreciated! Thank you for stepping up to fill the large gap left by Mr Ford.


Leek & Manifold Transport Wagons

Personal modelling has taken a big hit recently with launching a new shop for STModels along with taking the trade stand to Narrow Gauge Sou...