Wednesday 21 April 2010

Temporary Pause in Modeling

I know I haven't posted for a while. I should have because there has been progress. I have made the quartering work on the Webb Coal Tank and I did spend a great day at Narrow Gauge South operating Richard Holder's new exhibition layout - Clydach Railway.

However, the time has finally come. I am going to redecorate the railway room. I have given myself a week to do it but the idea of removing all the tools, kits, books, paints, building materials is actually quite daunting.

My wife reminded me that the curtains in the room were acquired with our first house 25 years ago and we don't know how old they were then. I painted the room not that long after moving in 22 years ago. It's long overdue for some TLC.

Normal operations will resume later.

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