Monday 18 November 2019

Now that's what I call Red

Yesterday was a chance to get stuck in and put Joan through the paintshop. Spraying is so much easier, and ultimately quicker, than brush painting. The order of events was:

  • mask off all the black areas and spray the red
  • 30 minutes later another coat of red
  • 30 minutes later remove the masking
  • 4 hours later mask the red and spray the black
  • 30 minutes later remove the masking
All kept in the airing cupboard to keep it nice and warm. Is there any other use for the airing cupboard, I ask myself? And the result is...

too red. It was the only spray red in the humbrol range and it looked okay in a small amount but on the model it makes it look too toy like. Now I need to find another source of red and decide whether I am going to over spray or strip it back - again!

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