Monday 11 May 2020

How riveting

With several projects on the go it is inevitable that they go slowly. Lockdown hasn't changed the time available during the week for modelling but at least there are good solid modeling times at the weekend.

Here is the work of a labour of love, adding rivets. I lost track of the number of hours spent doing this and there is still the other 3/4 of the engine to do.

It's a job that can be very rewarding when they go on well but when they don't... It is also so fiddly that I lost track of which spacing of rivets to use. The difference is so small that I went "space blind" at one point and definitely used the wrong ones. Also, having started the other side tank I now realise I have missed 3 rivets off this side. I think I may have just labelled myself!

Ultimately I am still pleased with the first attempt at using these decals. I am hopeful it will add depth to the model when finished. I'm guessing another week until all the rivets are on and by then the next attempt at finding the correct green will have been delivered by the postman bearing gifts.

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